Functional Roles and Responsibilities

The national responsibilities of PNG Customs are captured under the five national goals and directive principles enshrined in the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Constitution. The national goals, among others, provide for wealth creation and border security. Customs is mandated under the Customs Act and related laws with the roles of border security, trade facilitation and revenue collection, which contributes to these national responsibilities and goals.

Our Roles

Customs is an important government agency mandated with the fundamental roles of:

  • Border Security & Trade Facilitation
  • Revenue Collection, and
  • Community Protection

Customs performs the critical role of protecting the communities, industries and the economy from the insidious effects of border crimes, production and distribution of objectionable materials and the consequential risks and threats. Through its border protection role, it seeks to ensure supply chain security and facilitate global trade in a secured and agile trading environment that promotes sustainable trade and investment in the country to anchor long term economic growth and prosperity.

Facilitate legitimate movement of people, goods and trade across our border while protecting and ensuring the integrity and security of the border including securing supply chain security against threats to PNG’s safety, security and economic prosperity.

Promote fair, efficient and effective revenue collection.

Protect the society, public health and safety, and contribute to combating transnational crimes and terrorism.